
We have spent years building a network of trusted and capable associates, both within Cyprus and abroad. Our associates are crucial to our success, as they help us expand our dealmaking internationally, bring new deals or investors to the table and share the work-load.


Although each relationship is unique, we can classify our associates in three broad categories:

Collaborating Associates include firms like ours which are active in mergers & acquisitions, direct investments, project finance or private equity, with whom we work jointly on a case-by-case basis. Most of our Collaborating Associates are based abroad and typically we work together on cross-border deals, where one side has an engagement with an investor and the other side with a seller.

We also engage with Introducers who have good connections either with sellers or investors. Most of our Introducers are professionals (accountants or lawyers) and asset managers whose clients have an appettite for business investments.

Finally, we engage Local Associates in various Districts within Cyprus, to whom we delegate part of our work. Their scope may include promotion of our business brokerage services, sourcing of local buyers and follow-up on specific transactions. They are free to set their own agenda and dedicate to Dealmasters as much time as they wish, to earn extra income.

Contact us with any queries regarding collaboration, we are always willing to discuss new business relationships for common benefit.